Corporate Professional Turns Entrepreneur; 12 Healthy Habits That Will Transform Your Life!

As I began the transition from the corporate world to now fulltime mother and entrepreneur, slowly I realized 1) how transferrable my skillset was 2) how important mindset shift and adopting healthy habits truly are! If you’ve done your fair share of climbing the corporate ladder, and have yet to climb your own internal ladder, Read the full article…

10 Steps That Will Workout Your Wellness!

Stay hydrated Planning and prepping meals each week Understanding portion control Protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats makeup well-balanced meals Consume lots of fruits and veggies Eat foods that are from as close to the Earth as possible. Visualize your success by way of photos & vision boards Move your body Celebrate all successes in your Read the full article…

Wellness @ Work

Wellness Programs @ Work are Designed to Evolve. Consider Starting a small wellness program if one doesn’t already exist. If you are a leader in the company, your team will follow in your footsteps. Be sure to participate. Friendly Competition, i.e., Fitness challenges are tons of fun! Field days, 5K runs, lunch time walks, climbing Read the full article…


I am so excited to launch my new website. Check back for “I Deserve” Meditations, Events, Services & MORE! In the meantime CONTACT me with any questions.